Be a Vendor



The Dates


March 22nd, 2025 [Apps CLOSED]

May 24th, 2025 [Applications close Feb 28, 2025]

July 26th, 2025 [Applications close April 31, 2025]

September 27th, 2025 [Applications close June 30, 2025]

FOOD TRUCKS - apps close January 31st for ALL EVENT DATES


HANDMADELAND - February 15th + 16th
[applications are closed]

Mountlake Terrace - dates coming soon!


  • This is an outdoor market that pops up rain or shine on Saturdays throughout the year.

    Vendors pop up primarily in 10×10 tents and food trucks / trailers, etc, and are responsible for providing the tent, weights, tables, displays, etc.

    Load in begins at 8am, the market runs 10am-4pm, and we’re loaded out by 6pm.

    *There is typically no public wifi, running water, or electricity available for these outdoor events.

  • Making Local Markets are for handmade businesses and makers. This can include designers that have their products produced for them (but preferably with local manufacturing and sustainable practices!), as well as other types of small businesses like curated vintage, plants, sustainability, and food trucks/stalls.

    Businesses who are ONLY RESALE of new items - i.e. thrifted/vintage is resale but also a sustainable practice and is allowable. Reselling new items, boutique-style, or items purchased wholesale and directly reselling would not be allowed. This also includes direct sales/MLM.

    Other types of products / businesses that are not accepted:

    • Crystals - this is considered resale unless you’re hand mining/foraging, shaping/carving, or otherwise changing the crystal into a different product

    • Imported - goods that are imported from another country to be resold, even if they are handmade products, will not be accepted

    • Services - medical, chiropractic, massage, beauty, or other will not be accepted

    • Political - this is a non-political space and no booths for organizations or individuals with a political-type agenda will be accepted

    Vendors applying who already own a brick & mortar location will not be prioritized.

    Not sure if your business fits? Send me an email and we can chat!

  • At the Making Local Markets, I prioritize unique, memorable products and brands that show a distinct perspective and iconic products.

    I look for businesses that have a distinct brand and identifiable products - products that make you go, “Oh! That’s So and So’s product!”

    If you make lots of different types of products, make sure they feel cohesive and recognizable as YOU. YOUR brand. YOUR designs - not something copied or inspired by other artists or generic designs on Canva or Pinterest or something. I’m looking for businesses that stand out and push the creative envelope.

    The more niched down you are in your field, the better. Meaning, it’s ok if you make lots of things, but make sure they are intentional. If you’re a stationer and you decide to make candles (for example), it should feel on purpose and as an enhancement to your brand, not just because you can - especially if it’s a product that is already an oversaturated product type.

  • The photos submitted in your application will likely be used for marketing purposes, so consider that when choosing which photos to submit. They should be a clear reflection of your brand, product, aesthetics, and vibes, to truly show off how awesome your product is!

    What TO submit:

    • photos that show off your product and its shape, size, function, scale, branding, etc

    • formatted to squares (1:1)

    • individual photos, not montage or collage style

    • photos that show more than one of your products interacting together or a product in action are great

    • well lit or lighting that reflects your brand aesthetic

    What NOT to submit:

    • montage, collage, watermarked, or other “embellished” photos

    • photos out of focus / blurry / super low quality

    • photos with a border

    • unrelated photos - i.e. personal photos, screenshots, or other “non-application” photos

    • logo only

    • duplicate photos

    • screenshots from Instagram or other un-cropped imagry

    Here’s a super handy guide for you as you’re getting your photos ready!

  • Booth fees are used to cover costs for event permitting, site rental, fire department inspections, marketing materials (like posters, postcards, ads, etc), website costs, garbage service, and restroom facility rentals. The Bothell market costs about $5500 to host each time. Other markets, depending on the venue, can be up to $20,000 per day.

    2025 FEES [Bothell]:

    • Application Fee (one-time, non-refundable): $20

    • 10 x 10 [single booth]: $180

    • 10 x 5 [half / shared booth]: $100

    • 10 x 20 [double booth]: $330

    • Food Truck/Trailer/Cooking food vendor: $180

    • If you're a pre-packaged, shelf stable, manufacturer, or cottage bakery, please select from the booth options, not the Food Truck options.

    A note about the fees and fee increases:

    Fees are going up for 2025. This is for a number of reasons including inflation, fees incurred for hosting the events, and that I have moved into running this business full time which means I can dedicate more time to providing additional events, resources, and education for small businesses and makers like yourself. The breakdown is below:

    • This Eventeny platform charges a fee for each invoice - you probably noticed that if you vended with me in 2024 - the price increase includes coverage for those fees so that it's not an additional fee on top of the booth fee. I mean, it is still an additional fee, but it's included in the booth fee cost now and not as a unexpected line item.

    • There are fees that were passed on to event hosts by the City last year that I never increased prices for and frankly cannot maintain again this year - each individual event has gotten about $1500 more expensive than previous years and adjustments must be made to accommodate for that.

    • I want this market to be accessible to vendors of all types of products and experience levels. As always, there is the option to make payment arrangements at each event and, if you qualify, the Scholarship Booth is also an option. [More info about the Scholarship Booth can be found within the application.] Seriously, no judgement here if you need to make arrangements - I get it!

    • Lastly, I want to also acknowledge that the Market provides a space for you to sell your products and hopefully make a great profit! My experience hosting events, and specifically this event, has been proven to bring in a consistent shopping crowd rain or shine, has incredible community support, and great vibes! So, as I encourage you to do, I am also encouraging myself to do -> Charge What You're Worth.



    • Non-refundable application fee is due at the time of your application submittal.

    • Booth fees will be invoiced once you've been accepted to the event and are due upon receipt.

    • If you need to make payment arrangements, please reach out via email or Eventeny and it will be considered on a case by case basis - you must make arrangements before the due date of the invoice. It's very rare that we can't make some type of payment arrangement work!

    • Standard / Full booths are 10x10 spaces

    • Shared / Half booths are 10x10 spaces and 2 vendors share the 10x10 space - how you share it is up to you [listed as a “10×5” on the application, but it’s really a shared 10×10 space and not truly a 10×5]

    • Double booths are 10x20 spaces and are granted case by case and only if space allows

    If you’d like to split / share a booth with someone - let me know on the application! Both businesses will need to apply and provide photos and will be juried with everyone else.

    Each business must submit a separate application - this is to make sure everyone is juried individually, that we have all the pertinent contact information for each business, as well as all the individual marketing information for each.


    You are responsible for getting your own annual fire permit. This applies to any food vendor who is cooking on site — not vendors that are preparing things ahead of time and warming / refrigerating day-of or have shelf-stable food products.

    Please apply for your Annual Food Truck/Trailer/Tent permit here and have it issued before any events you’ve been accepted to. This is something you are responsible for obtaining or understanding whether you fall under its requirement or not.

    All food vendors need to have proper King or Snohomish County Health Department licensing (depending on the event location) and documentation ready prior to the market!

    There will be a fire inspection in the morning prior to the event. If you do not pass this inspection, you will be sent home (and no one wants that)!

    You will need to have the appropriate documentation on hand in order to vend. Please see this document for more information (specifically for Bothell).

    I will be asking for all food vendor permitting ahead of time so please have it ready, as much as possible, at the time of application.

  • Do you need a business license to participate?

    I do not check for business licenses. However, if you’re collecting sales and doing business, best practice is to have a WA State Business License.

    There is a separate endorsement for the City of Bothell that you can add to your business license. This is suggested to obtain as well. It’s free unless you make more than $12K per year in the City of Bothell.

  • Is business insurance required to participate?

    No, however, best practices for small businesses would be to have some sort of coverage for extraneous circumstances should anything happen to your product on site. I do not check for insurance, but it is something you should consider obtaining, especially if you do events often.

    Each event hosted by Making Local Markets is covered under general liability insurance up to $1,000,000 as required by most venues and cities. This is to cover the event as a whole and may not cover your individual business should something major happen.

  • I hope that everyone that wants to do a market with their small business has the opportunity to do so and that fees and booth supplies aren’t a hinderance - but they definitely can be.

    In order to help facilitate someone getting a booth space who would not ordinarily be able to do so, there will be at least 1 scholarship booth available at each core Making Local Market.

    To qualify, this must be one of your first 3 market/vending experiences. That doesn’t mean just with Making Local Markets, but with any/all markets or selling events.

    You will only qualify for the scholarship booth 1 time so that other vendors have opportunities for it as well.


    • no booth fee for the market you’re selected for as the scholarship vendor

    • a free 1-hr consultation with me via Zoom

    • use of a 10x10 tent, 4’ adjustable height table, and a chair or stool for market day


    • branding

    • booth displays

    • payment processors or checkout tools

    • products or packaging

    • additional tables or fixtures

Handmade + Local + Sustainable + BIPGM Owned + LGBTQIA+ Owned + AAPI Owned + Woman Owned + Quality Products +

Handmade + Local + Sustainable + BIPGM Owned + LGBTQIA+ Owned + AAPI Owned + Woman Owned + Quality Products +

The Market’s

Photos above by Hallie Katheryn Photo

I will always strive for a diverse mix of cultures, vendors, orientations, products, points-of-view, experience levels, and product price ranges. My goal is to be as fair and equitable as possible and I am absolutely open and receptive to suggestions, feedback, and questions.

This does not mean that other types of vendors will be excluded. ALL ARE WELCOME HERE!

Please Note: In an effort to keep these markets diverse, inclusive, and so that as many vendors can participate as possible, you are not guaranteed a spot in all markets just because you were accepted into one. My goal is to give as many businesses an opportunity to vend as possible which may mean that, especially in competitive categories (like jewelry, soaps, candles, and ceramics), you may be accepted to one market date, and not another.

What vendors are saying

Thank you!

From the bottom of my heart - thank you for being part of this maker community and for believing in the power of local, small, handmade, and sustainable businesses. Without you, there are no markets.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have ANY questions, concerns, feedback, suggestions, etc. I’m just an email away!

- Sarah -