BYOB [bring your own book] CLUB

Welcome to the club:

Hi friend! I’m so excited you’re here!

Fill out the survey to the right when you have a second so we can get the first few meetings on the books (pun intended)!

BYOB Club Rules:

  • This is a safe and inclusive space for everyone

  • This is a place to share and talk about books you’re reading / have read

  • Be respectful - even if you disagree with someone’s point of view or have other opinions

  • We’re here to have fun, stay connected, and maybe even make new friends!

  • No books are banned here - we embrace all topics, genres, content, etc.

    • That means digital and paper formats too!

  • This is an open group - friends are always welcome and don’t hesitate to invite folks!

  • Can’t make it every time? Totally ok! Come when you can! But please try and RSVP so we have a headcount for wherever the meet up space is and there’s room for everyone!